Continuing posts reviewing year, we come to March.
Got news from Bill Bacheller that Humberto would be coming to us soon. Started preaching on Mark 10. Read Carson’s Memoirs of Ordinary Pastor and Murray’s Redemption: Accomplished and Applied. Met with Steve Hodgson, Pastor of Union Valley Bible, about a joint Good Friday service. Really wrestled with “fear of man” issues as it pertains to sanctification. Also read Ferguson’s John Owen on the Christian Life and Keller’s Reason for God. Continued to prep for Easter. Also read Triumph by Jeremy Schaap. Hosted Charlie Davis of TEAM for a meeting on vision and planning with all leadership and missions. Tried to learn how to receive criticism that wasn’t given well, seeking to learn and not allow bitterness to sprout. Celebrated Easter. Also read The Civil War as a Theological Crisis. Did some pre-marital counseling. Read Preach the Word and Liberating Ministry From the Success Syndrome. Continued with my Wed PM class as well. Ended the month in Galveston, TX for Meg’s mother’s Wedding.