For today’s Marriage Monday post, I am also combining with my free audio recommendation to commend to you a sermon by C.J. Mahaney entitled Overcoming the Fear of Rejection. This sermon is a free download from Sovereign Grace Ministries. This sermon is also part of a larger series entitled Overcoming the Fear of Man.
The Sov Grace website gives the following description:
Does a fear of rejection dictate your life and bind you? It can be overcome. The Bible says that fear of man is a snare–one you don’t want constraining you.
Beginning with examples from his own life, C.J. Mahaney shares what the fear of man looks like. He defines it as an “excessive, sinful concern about what others think of us–an inordinate desire for human approval or an intense feeling of being rejected.” He leads his listeners in discerning if the fear of man rules in their lives.
What I found especially convicting and provoking was about the 20 minute mark when C.J. asked something to the effect of “Do you children see in you a passion for God, family and the local church? or do they see passion for other things?” This sermon, then, has some great application for our parenting. I think, also, though, even if you don’t have children, your marriage could benefit by learning the harmful excesses in which the fear of man can raise its head.
Fight the fear of man by availing yourself to God’s grace in this sermon.