Yesterday morning, we saw a glimpse of the absolute authority of Jesus as He exposed the religious leaders in Mark 11:27-33. Jesus’ authority truly comes from God and not man. In application of that truth, I offered this point of application at the end:
For those of us who are believers, we have submitted to and embraced the authority of Jesus. There is one word that expresses our allegiance to that authority and it is the word submission. As followers of Jesus, we are called to submit to Him. We are to submit to His control over all things and this is demonstrated in many relationships.
In the Home – Jesus has established leadership in the home through husbands who lovingly lead their wives and wives who respectfully submit to their husbands. In the home, Jesus’ authority is seen as children submit to their parents. Honor Christ in the home by submitting appropriately (Ephesians 5:22-6:4).
How are you doing, then, at submitting to Jesus’ authority in the exercise of your role in the home?